Zen Electric Bikes

Test Drive Event

Welcome to ZenEbikes Events

Cruise The Keji - Win A Keji

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Adresse électronique
nom m et prénom m

Liability Waiver for the Cruise The Keji

I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in Zen Energy/ E-Bike's test ride with knowledge of the numerous risks and dangers involved in e-bike riding. I hereby agree to be responsible for my own welfare.

I will wear a helmet at all times and also will wear appropriate clothing and shoes for bicycling. My eyesight and health are suitable for bicycling. I am aware of the bicycling laws of Nova Scotia and will abide by them at all times. Also, I am familiar with the surrounding area and will exercise caution when bicycling.

In signing this, I agree to stay within the predetermined area for my test ride. I acknowledge that I am responsible for covering the costs of this e-bike if it is lost, damaged or stolen during the duration of my test ride.

I covenant not to sue, and release, relinquish, waive and discharge Zen Electric Bikes, its owners, it's employees and investors, and anyone doing business with Zen Electric Bikes, from any and all liability, loss, damage, claim, or demand arising from or attributable to my participation in biking.

I have carefully read this entire waiver and release, I understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and do so voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently. I read and understand the English language.

I grant Zen Electric Bikes permission to take photographs and videos of me during the test ride and to use these images for marketing, promotional, and other purposes without compensation or additional consent.